The Target View, accessed by clicking the Targets tab, works largely the same way that the Agent View does.
Target List View
The Target List View displays Targets in a tabulated list with some information highlights. Clicking on a Target will open the Target Details View for that Target. In order to toggle to the Target Thumbnail View, click the view toggle icon in the upper right corner of the filter controls area.
Target Thumbnail View
The Target Thumbnail View represents each Target as a thumbnail in a grid, displaying the Target's name, description (if applicable), and color-coded status of each test type. This view is convenient for observing the current status of the network tests being conducted on the Targets.
To see details about a specific Target, click the thumbnail of that Target to open the Target Details view.
From Target Details, you are able to view information about Resources and Tests directed at the Target, including real-time stats, current and recent incidents associated with the Target, and logs of recent and current alerts on the Target. To exit Target Details, click the X icon in the upper right of the panel or click the Target's thumbnail. To edit the Target, click the gear icon.
To learn more about the Target Details, see: Target View: Target Details
For more information about creating and editing Targets, see: Add/Edit Target
Target Filters
To filter targets, click on the filter button to reveal the target filter drawer. Targets can be filtered by incident status, critical alert count, and warning alert count.
Target Columns
(Only for the list view, not the thumbnail view) To change the columns that are visible in the target list view, click the columns button. The following columns can be added and removed:
Path Analysis