New Features
Monitoring Conditions: Create sets of rules for which tests will run. For example, when an agent is connected to a VPN or maybe on a specific WiFi Network. This only available to Remote Worker Agents.
WiFi 6/6e support: Released the new WiFi sensor that supports WiFi 6/6E networks and WPA3 authentication protocols.
Agent: Improved wired interface identification for Windows Remote Worker Agents.
Agent: NDT client now reports `ClientName` as 'netbeez'.
Agent: Improved customization options for Docker Agent.
Agent: Improved log handling in situations where VPN is connected but Agent is unable to retrieve a MAC address.
Agent: Improved logging if IPv6 address could not be retrieved for Windows Remote Worker Agents.
Agent: WARP VPN is now supported by Remote Worker Agents.
API: Agents can now be exported in CSV format.
API: When retrieving Path Analysis results you can now request supplemental ASN and geolocation information.
API: Agents search has been improved to include the reported "logged in user".
API: API now supported JSONAPI based payloads for creating and updating ScheduledNbTestTemplates.
API: NbTest now has `current_state` to define current state of a test instead of using `current_alert_mode` reducing ambiguity of how test state is retrieved.
API: Added Five9 SaaS template options.
UI: Improved Ipref window size validation.
UI: Users can now click on the "open in new tab" icon next to the Agent name to when hovering over an Agent in the Agent List.
UI: When performing Ad Hoc tests spaces entered before or after the source are now automatically discard.
UI: Scheduled Test Result graphs now display days when requested results span multiple days.
UI: Agent Network Interface models are now columns that can be viewed in the Agent List.
UI: Better handling of SSID scan list when viewing the wireless details of an Agent.
UI: Now allows you to enter a non standard SMTP port number when editing SMTP settings.
UI: Path Analysis now has a legend that explains colors used to show hops.
UI: Dashboard now loads more responsively while retrieving Agent information for large instances.
UI: When viewing an Agents details, the left side Agent list makes the currently viewed Agent more apparent.
UI: Realtime graphs now show 0.00% for averages instead of a '-' when error or data point count is not provided.
UI: Network Speed Test breakdown graph now shows total count of Agents matching search/filter criteria.
UI: When creating a Generated Report the report name will be automatically generated if one isn't provided.
UI: Generated reports can now toggle between success rate/failure rate provided in table results.
UI: When viewing a Target's details, the left side Target list now shows the status of the Targets.
UI: When creating a Generated Report recipients will now autocomplete matching email addresses.
Bug Fixes
Agent: Fixed issue where Agent process would crash on exiting instead of exiting gracefully.
Agent: Fixed issue where VoIP tests would fail, under certain conditions, if duration was set to 10 second or more.
Agent: Fixed issue where interface type was not being set in configuration file properly.
Agent: Fixed issue where DHCP timing was not being timed correctly.
Agent: Fixed issue for Docker Agents where NDT results are not parsed the same as other Agent types.
Agent: Fixed issue where NDT error messages are not parsed correctly for Windows Remote Worker Agents.
Agent: Fixed issue where HTTP insecure flag change is not processed by Agent when HTTP test is edited.
Agent: Fixed issue encountered when Agent fails to connect via websocket multiple times.
Agent: Fixed issues for Windows Remote Worker Agents where Iperf tests would encounter TCP connection issues under certain conditions.
Agent: Fixed issue for hardware agents where partition disk was not being cleaned up properly during operating system upgrade.
Agent: Fixed issue where hping3 prasing drops first digit.
API: Fixed issue where previous server version would be reported after an upgrade until all server services are restarted.
API: Fixed issue where Target list was not filtering correctly on Incident status.
API: Fixed issue where Iperf3 and VoIP packet loss results were being calculated incorrectly.
API: Fixed issue where filtering Targets by Warning count returned inaccurate results.
API: Fixed issue where filtering by and sorting by open Incidents would not produce expected ordering.
API: Fixed issue where email inviting users to install the NetBeez Remote Worker Agent software contained broken images and added instructions for if a secret key was not able to be provided.
API: Fixed issue when retrieving ASN information by IP address was not including all possible results.
API: Fixed performance issue when calculating test averages with high data volume by sampling data to improve query performance.
API: Fixed performance for statistics queries used to generate report data.
API: Fixed issue when an Agent registers with an unknown `AgentType` the API assigns it an `agent_type` of 'unknown'.
API: Fixed issue where Aggregated Alerts were being sent regardless if Aggregated alerts were turned off in Notification Settings.API: Fixed performance issue regarding the association between Agents and Targets.
API: Fixed issue where Ad Hoc tests were not being cleaned up by data retention.
API: Fixed issue where Ipref tests under many-to-one configuration would throw an exception.
API: Fixed performance issue when retrieving Agents that have been marked for deletion.
API: Fixed performance issue when test results are persisted to the database.
API: Fixed performance issue with Agent deletion process where a large number of Agents are marked for deletion.
API: Fixed issue where, under certain conditions, Path Analysis hops would be in the incorrect order.
API: Fixed issue, under certain conditions, where Wireless Agents without a WiFi Network would have test created.
Server: Scheduled tests with more than 10 agents are now randomized to perform the test over an hour time period.
Server: Fixed issue where an Agent heartbeat timeout gets lost and leaves Agents in inconsistent state under certain conditions.
Server: Fixed an issue where, under certain conditions, Agent could encounter an error activating due to a failed API request which would leave the Agent in an inconsistent state.
Server: Fixed issue where, under certain conditions, the message service process would crash due to being out of memory and would cause Agent websocket to be come stuck.
Server: Fixed issue in messaging service where validation errors were not being processed properly.
Server: Fixed issue where Network Agents were not being sent upgrade command.
Server: Fixed issue where messaging service health check request may falsely identify that API containers have all be initialized.
Server: Fixed performance issue where Agent registration would receive a delayed response from the server when under heavy load.
Server: Fixed issue, under certain conditions, where API container was not being resolved by NGINX.
Server: Fixed issue where HTTP insecure flag was not being sent to the Agent after editing an HTTP test.
UI: Fixed issue where upon deleting a Target users were not show the Target list.
UI: Fixed issue where error message is presented upon clicking the link from the unlock account email.
UI: Fixed issue where users would be unable to remove an agent from many to one Iperf test.
UI: Fixed issue where Agent list needed to be refreshed in order to receive Incident updates.
UI: Fixed issue where Test buttons would not be enabled after fixing a resource URL error.
UI: Fixed display issue where when viewing an Agent's Agent Groups, while using the Agent selector, the popover would show multiple scrollbars.
UI: Fixed issue where a Remote Worker Agent who has hit test limits could still be selected when using the Agent selector.
UI: Fixed issue where the the default port for Iperf v3 tests was incorrect.
UI: Fixed issue where data retention settings selections were not being set to current values unless page was refreshed.
UI: Fixed issue where users may lose progress when entering conditions while created or updating a Scheduled Test.
UI: Fixed issue where Ad Hoc Ping tests did not recognize `_gateway_` as a valid destination.
UI: Fixed issue where warning conditions were not being sent in payload during Scheduled Test creation.
UI: Fixed issue where a confirmation modal was not being displayed when pausing/resuming all tests when viewing a Target or WiFi Network.
UI: Fixed issue where WiFi Agents were showing as not connected when they were connected under certain conditions.
UI: Fixed issue where when first editing a Target, emails provided in the email configuration were not being presented unless the user navigates away and attempted to edit the Target again.
UI: Fixed display issue regarding Agent Group tags when viewing an Agents details.
UI: Fixed display issues regarding popover when viewing errors and Add button text when viewing Scheduled Test list.
UI: Fixed issue where adding an annotation to an Incident would cause an error and prevent Incident annotations from rendering.
UI: Fixed issue with filtering drawer where dropdown options would render behind the drawer.
UI: Fixed issue where Scheduled Test List would not load when Agents are still being initialized in the UI.
UI: Fixed issue when editing a Target, add/removing a label would cause an error that would prevent changes from being saved.
UI: Fixed issue where sorting and search by Name on the Users table was not working as expected.
UI: Fixed issue where Anomaly Detection table would not sort properly.
UI: Fixed display issue where long SSID names when viewing a WiFi Network would go over other text.
UI: Fixed issue when viewing an Agent's details counters would become inaccurate as the Agent goes offline and online.
UI: Fixed issue where ISP/ASN information would automatically update on the dashboard without a refresh of the page.
UI: Fixed issue where newly created Scheduled Report is not sortable in Report Schedule list.
UI: Fixed issue where reports generated from a Scheduled Report would not appear in the Generated Reports list unless page was refreshed.
UI: Fixed issue where a Scheduled Network Status Report could not be created when selecting an Agent Group.
UI: Fixed issue on Buzz tab where Incident graphs were not updating without a page refresh.
UI: Fixed issue where acknowledging an incident shows it was acknowledged by 'undefined'.
UI: Fixed issue when viewing a Scheduled Test users would see an error if they refreshed the page.
UI: Fixed issue, under certain conditions, that prevented the License page from being displayed.
UI: Fixed issue where after creating a Scheduled Tests the user is shown a blank creation form instead of directed to the Scheduled Test list.
UI: Fixed display issue with Ad Hoc Ipref tests when multicast option is checked.
UI: Fixed issue where Network Speed and VoIP Ad Hoc Tests just return zero values instead of errors.
UI: Fixed performance issue for Scheduled Test Wizard for instances with a large number of Agents.
UI: Fixed performance issues with Network Speed Test breakdown for instances with a large number of Agents.
UI: Fixed issue where association/disassociation counts would become incorrect after switching time windows when viewing a WiFi Network.
UI: Fixed issue when viewing a WiFi Network where multiple BSSIDs are not show after changing the time window.
UI: Fixed display issue with Agent thumbnails where Incident label would be cut off.
UI: Fixed issue where Agents that are newly added do now show up in left side Agent list, when viewing an Agent's details, unless page is refreshed.
UI: Fixed issues with Alert graphs and ISP counts for reports.
UI: Removed Network Speed NDT server input from Ad Hoc and Scheduled Tests because it is not used.
UI: Fixed issue where Target Test Counters are updated to an incorrect value when Pausing a test.
UI: Fixed issue when using Ad Hoc Traceroute tests where `TOS Class` would be 'undefined'.
UI: Fixed issue when viewing Alert lists where destination was provided incorrectly.
UI: Fixed issue where the enabling of email notifications checkbox when editing a Target was not being set correctly.
UI: Fixed issue where Ookla could still be selected when creating a new Scheduled Test even though the option is no longer provided.
UI: Fixed issue when creating an Ipref Scheduled Tests where Jitter and Packet Loss are not available options under conditions when switching to UDP.
UI: Fixed performance issues with cached client data which improves dashboard performance for instances with a large number of Agents.
UI: Fixed issue where multiple clicks are required when using the browser back button.
UI: Fixed performance issue when retrieving information during page load for instances with a large number of Agents.
UI: Fixed performance issue where redundant events were being processed by the dashboard.
UI: Fixed general display issues for Targets tab to make it more consistent with other tabs.
UI: Fixed issue where HTTP test with an abnormal URL would prevent Agent test grid from displaying when viewing an Agent details.
UI: Fixed issue where navigating back to the Tests tab would result in an error.
UI: Fixed issue where publicly access reports would render dashboard footer.
UI: Fixed issue where Incident list on Buzz tab would show scroll bar when it shouldn't.
UI: Fixed issues where header of a Target Details was showing a scrollbar.
UI: Fixed issue where read-only and read-write users are shown the license prompt when a license has expired, they now receive a different message.
UI: Fixed issue, under certain conditions, where when editing a Target forms could be in an incorrect state.
UI: Fixed issue where some tabs displayed double scrollbars.
UI: Fixed issue where Agent Console only shows one line.
UI: Fixed display issue on Ad Hoc tab where some fields displayed an extra border.
UI: Fixed issue where Target performance data could be fetched before Targets have been fetched from the API causing the Target to look like there is no data.
UI: Fixed issue, under certain conditions, where Buzz tab Target Incident graph would report 0 Incidents when Incidents were currently open.
UI: Fixed issue where clicking a Generated Report from the Report list would filter the Report list instead of opening the report.