New Features
+ Agent Connectivity Troubleshooting script - Command line tool and ssh banner message which provides useful information about the agent's configuration state.
+ Dashboard User Profile where the user can edit the name, email, username, password, etc.
+ Scheduled Test Thresholds to mark results that violate metric criteria.
+ Network Status Reports redesign (beta).
+ Agent-Server connectivity through Websockets (using HTTPS).
Bug Fixes
* Fixed issue where the agent would sometimes auto-negotiate 100-half.
* UI: Removed Read-Only users' ability to add agents to agent groups.
* UI: Fixed ability to update roles for LDAP users when LDAP role mapping is turned off.
* SMTP verification now uses current SMTP credentials unless the user provides different credentials.
* Empty SMTP Credentials no longer save as empty strings, which was causing authentication issues with SMTP servers that did not require credentials.
* UI: Fixed issue where Alert Detector Settings was reporting wrong percentages.
* Agent: Increased amount of time allowed for Agent to obtain its external IP address.
* UI: Fixed issue where Agents being added/removed from the 'Assign Targets' menu option in Agent Details would not update the UI properly.
* Fixed issue where Scheduled Reports would fail to send due to SMTP error.
* Agent: Fixed Speedtests scripts for Docker Agents.