New Features
+ Added the WiFi tab to the dashboard
+ Introduced WiFi incidents
+ Multiple agents can be associated with a Wifi network in one click.
+ Added another donut chart in the buzz tab for the WiFi incidents
+ Updated the star rating algorithm in the Buzz tab to include WiFi incidents
+ Added Speedtest and VoIP to the Ad-Hoc Testing tab
+ Added M-Lab NDT and NetFlix as options for Speedtest tests
+ Agents can be added to multiple targets directly from the agent configuration menu
+ Added tests failure rates under network summary and targets reports
+ Containerized server modules
+ Re-arranged the order of scheduled tests within the Tests tab
+ Added link to agent details view within the Agents inventory view
+ Upgraded hardware agents (Ethernet, WiFi) from Wheezy to Jessie (Debian distro)
+ Changed default settings for traceroute tests: set TCP as default protocol and 443 as the destination port
+ Updated the Agent Detailed View
+ Make the colors of the dots in the agent and target views correlated to the incident status
+ Move Create Target button on Target list view to the top
+ Move the Create Scheduled Test button to the top
+ Show when the WiFi connection is down on the Agents list view
+ Raw results API endpoint can now be used to pull all results from Ping, DNS, and HTTP monitoring tests from the last minute
- Removed the Email Reports section in the NetBeez Settings
- Removed the Wireless Profiles section in the NetBeez Settings
Bug fixes
* Tabs will remain in the last state left when navigating through other tabs
* Packet Loss area chart is broken in the iperf and VoIP slider
* Iperf Ad-hoc bug
* List filter in the reports view is not responding when you click on the checkmark icon
* Scatter plot reports don't get cleared once a drill-down selection is made
* Duplicate events or comments on the incident timeline
* Updating cron job on Scheduled tests doesn't work
* Failure in updating wireless profile