Incidents are periods of degraded or otherwise abnormal performance of an Agent, Target, or WiFi network. Incidents are designed to help you identify problems and performance variations within the network, with a resource, or over wireless while mitigating the difficulties with identifying issues via alerts.
Incidents are triggered when a user-determined percentage of tests on an Agent, test templates on a Target, or tests on Agents assigned to a given WiFi network have alert status. The incident will persist for as long as at least one of the triggering conditions is met.
Agent Incidents
Agent incidents are triggered when a certain percentage of PING, DNS, HTTP, or Traceroute tests trigger alerts. Such percentage is defined at the "Agent Incident Threshold", which can be set for each test type in the Anomaly Detection section of the NetBeez Settings.
Target Incidents
Target incidents are triggered when a certain percentage of PING, DNS, HTTP, or Traceroute tests within one or more target resources trigger alerts. Such percentage is defined at the "Target Incident Threshold", which can be set for each test type in the Anomaly Detection section of the NetBeez Settings.
WiFi Incidents
WiFi incidents are triggered when a certain percentage of PING, DNS, HTTP, or Traceroute tests within a group of WiFi Beez assigned to a specific WiFi network trigger alerts. Such percentage is defined at the "WiFi Incident Threshold", which can be set for each test type in the Anomaly Detection section of the NetBeez Settings.
Viewing Incidents
Ongoing and recent incidents are displayed on the Buzz Tab. Ongoing and recent incidents associated with a particular Agent, Target, or WiFi are displayed on the detailed view of that Agent or Target. Clicking on an incident from these visualizations will bring up more information about the selected incident, including triggering conditions, log, and comments. You will also be able to acknowledge and comment on an incident from this view.
To acknowledge and comment on an incident:
1. Click on the dark blue incident bar.
2. Click Yes.
3. Click Submit.
This will record an event that the incident was acknowledged and will alter the incident's bar color from dark blue to light blue. To view the comments and events:
1. Click the incident.
2. Click the black down caret.
Configuring Incidents
To learn about configuring incidents, please see: Incidents Configuration